Drew Page, a member of Avon Troop 26, became a fourth-generation Eagle Scout with a worthy project. Bronson Hill Cemetery on Bronson Hill Road in the Town of Avon saw major improvement thanks to the efforts of Drew and his fellow scouts.

Bronson Hill Cemetery was established in 1811 and closed in 1908. Only two burials have taken place since the closing: For a child who died in 1931, whose family plot was in the cemetery, and for a person associated with the cemetery caretaking, who was buried there in 1989.

Drew led thorough clean-up and landscaping efforts, including pruning the trees and removing vines, clearing out a brush-infested section, removal of a decrepit wood fence, installation of two split rail corner posts to define the cemetery boundary, and elimination of the weeds surrounding the cemetery’s largest monument. The improvements were crowned with the installation of a new redwood sign.