Scouts and volunteer leaders from
across the entire Iroquois Trail Council participated in the 29th annual
"Scouting for Food" drive in November. The food collected is
distributed to numerous emergency and crisis type agencies. All food
collected in a district was distributed locally to agencies in that
particular county.
The Council typically collects more than 30,000 food items per year.
The Council typically collects more than 30,000 food items per year.
As examples of how amazing this year's drive was, look at these totals from just a few of our units who happen to come from some of our smaller communities -- which shows you the incredible impact of our boys...
Holley Cub Scout Pack 3062 collected 559 items of food. All of the food was donated to the Eastern Orleans County Community Center.
Scouts in Troop and Pack 175 in Barre collected 478 food items which went to the food pantry of Community Action of Orleans & Genesee.
Pack 18 collected 587 food items that are being added to the Gasport Community Food Pantry that is hosted by Zion Lutheran Church.